How to attack in kenshi
How to attack in kenshi

Only took about fifteen times longer than it should have because I kept making extra runs to clean out the hashish from the hidden drug farm, sell it at Flats Lagoon, steal it back, and sell it again in the UC. Since I'm playing with that mod that reworks crossbows to make them more like sidegrades than upgrades and increases their range (which also has the fun effect of making those random groups of bandits that happen to have 6+ crossbows really nasty), I think I'm going to set up a hemp farm in Darkfinger and do some neofeudal sniper-spotter terrorist attacks in HN territory with my two main sharpshooters, real Taliban shit. This repeated about twenty times before one of my order stops/stance changes shook something loose. for about two seconds, then off they go again.

how to attack in kenshi

Just doing my thing, running around the desert getting into brawls with all and sundry when out of the blue the entire squad peels away from a four-way fight. Like the time I had a whole warparty spontaneously generating jobs to bodyguard a random goat in the desert. Sometimes cool, sometimes really fucking annoying.

how to attack in kenshi

Yeah, the AI/bugginess can do weird stuff.

How to attack in kenshi